It’s fair to say that life is about trade-offs and managing consequences. Notice I didn’t say avoiding them, since most are inevitable.
Some trade-offs are simple, like whether to order the steamed vegetables with tofu or the spareribs (I didn’t say the trade-off was fun). But each option carries potential consequences—the yummy deliciousness of perfectly cooked spareribs vs. the bland but far healthier choice.
Some trade-offs are complex and may require choosing the lesser of two bad choices. I know someone who has to make a choice of putting their spouse into a care facility vs. keeping them home in a less than ideal environment.
All we can do is try to make the best decisions possible under the circumstances and recognize that we are only human and therefore imperfect.
It’s easy to look back and say you “shoulda” picked the other option, but we all know hindsight is 20/20. If you’re caught between choices, assemble the facts, test your theory, maybe check in with someone you respect and go forward…just do the best you can. There is nothing else.