
I hit the wall…

By May 16, 2020 No Comments

I admit it. I am having a rough time right now. I feel drowning in people’s fears and despair. Yes, I know it’s not mine to own, hold, keep, cleave or possess.

But right now, I’m feelin’ it.

I hit the rowing machine hard this morning, trying to wear myself out and all I did was burn calories and set a new personal record. Ok, that’s something good…but crap, I am still feeling down.

As husband, father, friend, colleague, advisor, I hear it all…and occasionally, it is too much. I looked at my meditation cushion and literally sneered at it this morning. I am not a great meditator (although it’s on my to do list), but sneering? SNEERING? No, that was a good indication that my tolerance has passed into the red zone.

I guess we all have days like this. I know it will pass and somehow, that sort of makes it a little better. Actually, sharing it with you makes it better too because I know you’ve been there too.

We are only human.

Here’s to better days!