I recently completed a workshop on Compassionate Listening. Yes, I know, what the heck is compassionate listening?
I’d come upon it in my training as a Financial life planner and witnessed its significant impact, so I decided to dig a little deeper.
It is safe to say that most people do not truly listen to each other. We are caught up in our own thoughts or are busy trying to formulate an answer or comeback, rather than focusing on what is being said to us. Sound familiar?
Maybe it’s due to our own insecurities that we won’t have a suitable response. Maybe it’s due to the fact that we live in a state of distraction. Or maybe we tend to be a little self-absorbed or maybe—just maybe—no one ever taught us HOW to listen.
What I experienced was spectacular. I had the opportunity to practice with a group of people across the US and Canada. First, listening, and then being listened to. I heard stories of pain, of joy, of deep concern and of confusion. Each opportunity allowed me to hear, connect and share these moments with others who had the bravery to open up.
I came away from this multi-day workshop feeling heard, enriched and yes, connected. Isn’t that what life and communications is supposed to be? That feeling of being heard by others, that time of listening with open ears, open mind and open heart is something we all need and value.
So the next time you have the opportunity for a conversation, don’t think-listen, don’t talk-listen, don’t judge-listen, don’t try and fix—just ask good questions and observe the results.
It takes practice and intention and is probably a wide divergence from your normal way of interacting. But trust me, the results can be spectacular, meaningful and important for both parties.
I’m happy to share more information if you’re interested in learning more. It’s a game changer no matter where you are in life.