I have to admit, I was a big fan of Fred and George when growing up. They were both devoted fathers and husbands. They were both a bit goofy and simple, but loveable.
It occurred to me that our world today is at a crossroads between a shining future and prehistoric past.
We are clearly zooming headlong into a new world. I can only imagine flying cars and interactive robots in the not-too-distant future as part of our lives. So Jetson-like.
Yet we are still in so many ways held back by our Flintstone-like thinking: on social justice, how we treat and regard minorities and women and a set of antiquated beliefs. For example, we have yet to embrace as a society the fundamental right of all to adequate healthcare and education.
We live in a time where some very loud voices are trying to roll back the clock on so many important social issues, like racial justice, a woman’s right to choose, voting rights, and LGBT community protections.
In Chapter X, we have the opportunity and responsibility to help steer our society in a more equitable and open direction. We must raise up and support those who are the weakest among us.
Otherwise, the next generation—our children and grandchildren—will inherit more chaos, more division, more “us vs. them”. If you project out with a little imagination, you can plainly see that we will never get to be Jetsons.