Hopefully, the days of men portrayed as the lone wolf—the strong silent type—are behind us. Men who suffer in silence and wear their disdain for ‘feeling’ on their sleeves.
We must dismiss these images in favor of creating a world of interdependence, where gender doesn’t matter, but open communications and the sharing of thoughts and ideas do.
If you’re unsure how to frame this, think of the simple milkweed plant and the Monarch butterfly. Without the milkweed, Monarchs would have no food to eat as they morph from caterpillars. Could the planet survive without Monarchs? I guess, but they are part of the chain of life that is interdependent on each other.
Until we adapt and embrace an interdependent mindset, we will continue to act against the natural laws of nature.
Consider how you can become more interdependent. Consider how community can serve us all better when we all contribute.
It makes perfect sense to me. Lone wolves need not apply.