

By November 8, 2020 No Comments

If my mind is focused on a specific task and something or someone disrupts my progress, I tend to get annoyed. Not screaming, raging, aggressive annoyance, but a feeling of uuuugggghhhh. You know that feeling, right?

But interruptions can be fuel for growth. They can force us to master our minds and most of all our emotions. That pause may also provide a chance to rethink whether that thing in front of us is really the objective.

Ok, I don’t want to paint disruptions as a bed of roses, especially when sometimes thoughts slip away. But brain exercise is a righteous endeavor, right?

We live in a world over-filled with noise. So neural exercises can improve our focus as well as our ability to be flexible and go with the flow.

Chapter X is a time when our abilities can be severely tested, so anything that helps us grow, adapt and increase our capacity and capabilities adds to our chances to navigate the challenges ahead.

Try and welcome those disruptions for what they are: opportunities.

OK, I still find them annoying, but hey, growth is not a straight line.