
The stories we tell ourselves—part 2

By December 3, 2020 No Comments

I promise not to get all political—everyone is entitled to vote their conscience. The issue is about the stories we tell ourselves and how applicable they are to the current state of our country.

There are many who align with a political party because that’s clearly how they were raised. You might believe you are an R or a D down to your cellular level, but trust me, it’s just the story you tell yourself.

There are many who ride the coattails of single issues that decide which way they will vote. Examples: abortion, our relationship with Israel or our stance on union labor or gun control. You might believe these issues are more important than anything else, but trust me, it’s just the story you tell yourself.

There are those who perceive that their party understands their needs and wants. You might believe it completely, but trust me, it’s just the story you tell yourself.

If we are to heal, solve real problems and move forward as a society, we must examine the stories we tell ourselves. We must consider the impact on the nation and not just our own personal wants, desires and stories.