
Where the Rubber Meets the Road

By April 20, 2021 No Comments

Intentions are great.

Positive thoughts and feelings are nice.

Ideas are wonderful.

But they are all nothing but smoke until they are met with actions.

Thinking about writing a book might resonate with you, but until you actually do it, it’s just a fluttering thought.

Thinking about running a marathon or a 5K is terrific, but until you create a training strategy and put it into action, it’s nothing much.

Considering creating a garden is nice. But until you prepare the soil and plant the seeds, let’s face it, there will be no zucchini, tomatoes, or peppers in your near future.

There are no guarantees that you’ll write the next great American novel, cross the finish line, or harvest bushels of fresh veggies. But until you put thought to action the outcome will always be the same.

What thoughts are you putting into action?