
Finding Equilibrium

By September 14, 2021 No Comments

As I move towards my eventual break with my working life, I sometimes find myself feeling somewhat down or destabilized. I know how to navigate work but I haven’t ever navigated “not work.”

I’ve been employed continuously, in one form or another, since I was twelve. I’ve got work life down pat.

But when I find myself feeling unsure, I take a moment to think about all the good things I can do. For example:

  1. Volunteer my time for a cause yet to be determined (mostly because there are a few that have caught my attention)
  2. Finish the novel I started
  3. Continue to practice and re-learn the trumpet
  4. Spend more time with friends
  5. Mentor young advisors in the way of life planning
  6. Coach people who might be struggling with their transitions and finding a pathway to live their best lives
  7. Join a hiking group

I didn’t include travel in my list because, while I enjoy travel, I don’t see it as a centerpiece of life going forward.

Creating these lists helps me find equilibrium when I’m just not feeling it. What do you do to find balance when you are not feeling grounded?