
Real Life

By October 9, 2021 No Comments

Over the past two days, I have had conversations with men who have battled illness. One faced the double whammy of a serious case of COVID and prostate cancer. The other, non-smoker’s throat cancer.

Both faced critical moments, confronting their own mortality along with the ravages of both the diseases and the treatments. And here they are, facing life with more than a tinge of knowledge on the fragility of health and life.

It’s easy to say not to take good health for granted, but those who have crossed that line from healthy and vibrant to life-threatening illness really know.

It reminded me there’s no time to waste in being mindful of staying healthy and appreciating each day. The tropes and platitudes are true—we only have one life.

Spend each day with gratitude and engaging in what matters most to you.