
My Non-Bucket List

By October 12, 2021 No Comments

I have to confess, I’m not attracted to the idea of a bucket list. That’s no indictment of others who have created theirs. The way that I’m wired makes me wonder what happens if I get to the end of the list—will I be disappointed or feel like I have nothing left to do?

Instead, I’ve created a non-bucket list that doesn’t get crossed off.

  1. Stay active. Engage in activities that maintain and improve my physical health.
  2. Stay engaged with people. Continue to build and maintain a community of friends.
  3. Stay curious. Rather than a static list, be able to pivot to interesting activities.
  4. Stay creative. I never know what will land on the page when I begin to write or play music.
  5. Maintain a rich sense of humor; mostly being able to laugh at myself.
  6. Be heartfelt in all things. If there’s anything I know about me, it’s that it must come from my heart to be real and meaningful.

What about you? Do you have a bucket list? What does it look like?