We live in a world of noise and distraction. Via external and internal sources, we are constantly bombarded with an assault on our brains and bodies. It’s akin to watching a Twitter feed
of continuous input—bam, bam, bam, steadily providing more things to process.
While mulling over ideas isn’t a bad thing, the constant processing denies us something very special and meaningful.
Being in silence, unplugged from technology, music, audiobooks, podcasts (except, of course, Chapter X) and conversation can be times of great learning and growth.
Quietude is a place of peace and contemplation of things that matter; it’s a place of calm and inner union. You don’t need to be in the forest to find this space, it can be created anywhere and anytime.
The poet and artist Jean Arp said, “Man has turned his back on silence. Day by day he invents devices and machines that increase noise and distract humanity from the essence of life.”
That’s something to consider and explore; don’t you think?