The gift of reading was bestowed on me by my parents. I love books. I have been an avid reader since I received my first library card at age 5—vivid memories of certain books from those early years live in me. First, it was Tom Swift Jr. and his various flying machines and electrical gadgets. Then came biographies and the “We were there…” series.
The magic of books, their ideas and the visceral experiences through the pictures provided by the authors’ words touched me greatly. Even to the point of tears at their ending.
After signing the agreement to sell my firm to my partner, I felt as though I had come to the end of the story. I was equally in shock, in denial, in mourning as I read the “epilogue.”
It’s been a week since I put ink to paper. The realization hit me with swift and demonstrable effect; I had not come to the end of the story, just to the end of a chapter.
I can’t wait to see what’s next!