I have to admit, being a “beginner” provokes feelings of inadequacy. I recall my first trumpet instruction book: whole tones, basic scales, Three Blind Mice….BORING! BORING! $#%#@^BORING!
I remember beginning Spanish class. “Donde esta la biblioteca.” I don’t care where the library is…uughhhhh….DUMB!
The first swimming lessons; that humiliating time of standing in waist-deep water, plunking your face in the pool and windmilling my arms…going exactly NOWHERE!
Beginnings are tough.
I’ve been thinking about the appropriate mindset necessary to engage in the beginning level of anything and feel that it is not boring, dumb or humiliating.
I need to replace those experiences with new words and feelings like, excited, curious, engaged and enjoyable. As I begin to reach out into new projects, my mindset needs to shift and I must
embrace “beginninghood” as an adventure, rather than sitting in the baby pool and being scoffed at by the older kids.
How do you meet this challenge?