My trumpet teacher recently told me that I should start playing with some ensembles. My immediate reaction was that I was far from ready, and it was way too early in my renewed involvement to be considering that. When I stated my feelings on the matter, he told me in no uncertain terms that I was ready.
Ready? I haven’t performed in almost 50 years; how could I be ready? I figured I’d be ready once I could reach a higher range with greater consistency. Once I was able to get the fingerings and keys and time signatures more embedded. Once I…Once I…Once I…
Procrastination is our brain’s way of telling us that the idea swimming around in our heads isn’t a good idea. The mere idea of doing something that brings discomfort (either because it’s something new and different—or because it’s not something we relish doing) sets our internal protector into motion.
Maybe it’s the idea of starting an exercise routine, or learning Greek or volunteering with a community organization. Either way, internal resistance is not abnormal.
We are great at rationalizing our delays. When you hear your inner voice saying, “Once I…” rest assured, it’s just that procrastination muscle kicking in. Have you ever heard that voice?
Once I finish cleaning the garage…
Once I organize the shelves in the home office…
Once I…
Once I…
Once I…
The reality is we can find all the excuses to avoid the ‘pain’ of something new or something that might not be your favorite thing to do. It’s easy to fall back into this pattern.
But trust me, it doesn’t serve you. It keeps you from opening new avenues of learning and experiences. Whether it’s a trip to some distant locale or learning how to make pottery, internal resistance knows how to stop you dead in your tracks.
I thought about what my teacher had said and decided that he should know whether it was appropriate or not based on what he was hearing. After all, who am I to judge? I’m hardly objective.
I can feel the anxiety of resistance, but I am determined not to stand in my own way of something that my heart truly wants.
Since we cannot look forward and see a very long runway to the end of our lives, procrastination becomes even more dangerous and restrictive.
What about you? Does procrastination play a role in your life?