
Practicing “Being” – Part Two

By June 19, 2022 No Comments

For whatever reason, my pup, Phoebe, decided to wake up at 5:30am.

While I prefer a later start, I’d already had 7 good hours of sleep, so it wasn’t terrible. First order of business is to wash her bowls and fill them, put on the kettle for coffee (I am a pour-over fan for first cup) and then take her out for her morning business.

I stood outside on this foggy morning and a symphony of birds greeted me from all directions. I don’t know bird sounds; all I know is that there were probably 5 or 6 different species singing. It was glorious. I could also hear raindrops falling from leaves to counterpoint the birds.

Then I felt a deep sense of peace, gratitude and wonder at the simplicity and magnificence of the moment.

I realize that I can enlarge this practice through intention, mindfulness, and a desire to get out of my “doing” head and allow the awakening of other senses.