Lately, I’ve been thinking about what matters and why it does.
My mental gymnastics began with trying to understand the lessons I learned growing up. What mattered to my father and my mother? Unfortunately, I never heard from their mouths directly, but I can surmise by their actions.
My father was a schoolteacher, musician and all-around fix-it-guy. He got great satisfaction from work and his chosen avocation in painting, repairing and upgrading his home and property.
My mother was a musician and music teacher. She reveled in both performing for others and the successes of her students.
Using that as a starting point for my exploration, I have been looking within to try and discern these answers for myself:
- I have an undying love for my wife, children and grandchildren—they matter.
- I care deeply for my close friends who love and support me—they matter.
- I also have a great appreciation for whatever small ways I help others live their best lives—they matter.
But there’s more….and that’s the next step in my exploration.
What matters to you and why?