
Beyond Reasonable…And Yet…

By October 7, 2023 No Comments

If you’ve been reading these pieces throughout the years, you might have noticed I’m committed to trying new things that can have a positive impact on my health.

The latest act of “insanity” occurred the other day when I tried a cold plunge for the first time. Cold plunges are known to offer various benefits, including pain relief, enhanced metabolism, improved circulation, and stress reduction, among others. The protocol was to spend 15 minutes in the sauna heated to temperatures ranging from 160 to 175 degrees Fahrenheit. After a quick sweat rinse, the next step was to immerse oneself in 40-degree circulating water for a 3-minute dip before repeating the cycle.

Sitting in the sauna, I couldn’t help but watch the timer click down the 15 minutes, knowing that I would soon be facing a tub of icy water. (I’ve never been a fan of the cold, and while I have subjected myself to cryotherapy, this was next-level pain.) Tick, tick, tick. Each second ticks away, drawing me towards the inevitable. 

My thoughts bounced between fleeing the scene of the potential crime and facing the extreme cold with a level of resignation. My brain pounded me with, “I can’t do this, I can’t do this, I can’t do this…” But as the countdown clock reached 3:15, a sudden shift surged through me, chanting in my mind, “I got this, I got this, I got this…” 

After I emerged from the sauna, dripping in sweat, I made my way to the rinse area, only to be greeted by water that was anything but warm. As I turned to face the awaiting tub, the owner coached me through each move. “Put one foot in, then the other, slide down and sit on your butt, hold your hands in a prayer position and follow a breathing pattern of one inhale followed by two quick exhales.”

Three minutes and fifteen seconds later, I emerged from the tub. My toes were cold, but the rest of me felt somewhere between numb and amazing. My legs and back—which have been at odds with the rest of my body after a week on an uncomfortable bed and walking on sand—suddenly felt much better (not perfect, but way better from before the cold plunge).

I had pushed myself, challenged myself and chalked up a victory for both my spirit and my health. The protocol recommends a twice-weekly plunge, and I’m more than ready, willing and able.