

By February 3, 2024 No Comments

I saw someone I’ve known for decades but haven’t seen for a while. We had a really nice talk about family stuff and life. He hadn’t known I’d sold my practice and was now well into this next Chapter. I asked him about his plans, if any, to make any changes. After all, he is approaching 75. The mere question changed his state, and he quickly mumbled that he’s thinking about it.

I gave him my most sincere look of understanding, telling him that I know how challenging this decision can be. His reply was straightforward and honest.

“I’m terrified that I won’t know what to do with myself.”

I let that sit in the air. It was raw and palpable.

“Imagine you kick the can down the road, till when, 80? 85? Can you imagine life then? What might your life look like then? Will you be able to live life the way you wish?”

I saw the light go on in his eyes.

“Where do I start?”

“I guess the realization that your fear is just that, a fear. It’s only as substantial as the power you give it.”