Episode 183: When Success Isn’t Enough with David Rynick

September 3, 2024
David Rynick was a big deal in college—serving on the university senate, co-captaining the wrestling team, and enjoying much attention. But despite all his achievements, he wasn’t happy.
This realization set him on a path to explore what mattered to him beyond just achieving more and pleasing others. Today, David is a Zen teacher with credentials in two lineages and a seasoned life and leadership coach.
His latest book, Wandering Close to Home: A Year of Zen Reflections, Consolations, and Reveries, came from 18 months of daily writing during the pandemic. This remarkable collection of essays and reflections is designed to inspire you to live more fully.
In this episode, we chat about David’s journey from college success to finding true fulfillment. You’ll find it’s a conversation filled with inspiration and joy.
We discuss:
- Why early success led David to question happiness and purpose
- How he explored dance and pottery as self-expression
- Why it took him a decade to appreciate daily meditation
- David’s advice for men who are struggling to adjust to retirement
- The most common misconception about meditation
Connect with David
Read Wandering Close to Home
Visit DavidRynick.com
Boundless Way Zen Temple
Listen to David’s Zen talks