I’ve written before about my feelings toward having a routine. I’m caught in a vortex of discontent. There are times I desperately need the structure that guides my day, and others when it feels like an insurmountable obstacle that deprives me of happiness. Do you ever feel that way?
The last month has tested me greatly, presenting unexpected and unwanted challenges. Without going into too much detail, let’s just say a torrent of issues, including muscle spasms, a stomach bug, dental problems, and a fever blister on my lip, busted my neatly planned routine.
While I certainly wasn’t bedridden (at least for most of it), I was prevented from exercising, playing trumpet, and having clarity of thought. Life-threatening? No! But that flushing sound you hear in the background was my well-ordered day saying goodbye.
I try to hold on to Steve Winwood’s 1988 song, which started playing in my head:
“When life is too much, roll with it, baby.”