September 27, 2020


In your youth, you were limited by your age, knowledge, power and circumstances. During your early work life, you were limited by your experience, power and resources. During your later work life, you were limited by time constraints, the needs of others and pressure to…
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September 27, 2020

On relationships

I’ve been asked whether Chapter X will deal with relationships. I thought about this for a while, considering whether I had the knowledge, experience and gravitas (yes, I said gravitas) to weigh in on such personal matters. While taking a walk earlier today, I came…
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September 26, 2020

What does Chapter X look like?

As you move closer to your next chapter, do you have a clear picture of what that will look like? Is it filled with purpose, excitement, meaning and mastery?  If you’re like me, the answer is murky, filled with variables and question marks and a…
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September 24, 2020

Chapter X: The Podcast

While I love doing these emails, I’ve realized that there is a serious need to dive deeper into some of these topics than this format allows. So, I’m thrilled to launch my new podcast! You can listen to the episodes here or on your favorite…
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September 22, 2020

The generosity of listening

I recently completed a workshop on Compassionate Listening. Yes, I know, what the heck is compassionate listening? I’d come upon it in my training as a Financial life planner and witnessed its significant impact, so I decided to dig a little deeper. It is safe…
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September 20, 2020

What matters…and why

I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching during this time of COVID-19 with the protests for social justice and the relevance of Chapter X. Our country—the richest on earth—was and is ill equipped to handle a global pandemic. Our world is chock-full of people…
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September 19, 2020

Garbage in—garbage out

My first and only class in computer programming happened in 1975. I was a junior in college and the professor, holding a handful of IBM punch cards in his hand told the class that GIGO was the watchword of success in computing. If you don’t…
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September 17, 2020

It’s all about thirst

Seth Godin wrote a great piece recently about thirst. Here it is: Confusing hunger and thirst If you find yourself stranded in the desert with nothing but an endless supply of chips, you’re going to die within a week. The same thing could happen to…
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