September 17, 2020

A note from a subscriber

Here is an unedited note from a subscriber (shared with permission) who articulated, quite beautifully and honestly, the frustration and fear of change as he works through Chapter X: “For much of my life I had to really ‘live in the future’ to some extent.…
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September 17, 2020

Breaking habits

We are creatures of habits. We love our routines, even if they lead to problems, dangers or ill health. Back in the day, I had my habit of stopping at the local bagel shop for my morning fix of deliciousness. It made me happy…but it…
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September 17, 2020

Pass it on

During the course of a lifetime, through experience we gain (hopefully) some wisdom. Wisdom mostly comes from learning from failure or challenge. Wisdom is great to have, but unless you pass it along to others, it loses its real impact. Pass it on… Cheers, Michael
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September 17, 2020

SMART goals in Chapter X

The acronym SMART stands for: Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time-based You might have devoted your entire working life adhering to these principles. But in Chapter X, your exploration doesn’t have to be either specific or measurable, at least not by anyone else’s standard. In fact,…
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September 17, 2020


Fatigue comes from too much or too little. Too much work—too little sleep. Too much time watching/reading news—too little time listening to music. Too much time at a desk—too little time in nature. Too much time doing—too little time “being”. Too much time without purpose—too…
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September 17, 2020

The blank page

As I was writing both of my books and the countless articles I’ve published over the years, there has been many a day where I stared at the blank page and wondered how I was going to fill it. I was taking a writing class…
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September 17, 2020

Wise words

 "The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire, the size of your dream and how you handle disappointment along the way." -- Robert Kiyosaki "Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you…
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September 17, 2020


Have you ever watched a movie that EVERYONE said was amazing and you walked out of the theater wondering what all the fuss was about? Was it you? Was it that you had set a bar for an incredible experience that just didn’t happen? Did…
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