December 12, 2020

A shift of thinking

I grew up with parents (and an uncle) who were accomplished professional musicians. So naturally I began taking trumpet lessons early—around the fourth grade. It became my passion and eventually brought me to performance in many genres of music. I listened to various trumpet players—from…
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December 10, 2020

I’m honored to speak with Chuck Howard, a man who exemplifies hero in every way.

Have you ever lost passion for an interest you once enjoyed? If you’ve ever felt like it’s too late in life to follow your dreams, my next guest will teach you why the door to opportunity is still wide open. Today, I’m honored to speak with…
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December 9, 2020

Podcast – Chuck Howard

Have you ever lost passion for an interest you once enjoyed? If you’ve ever felt like it’s too late in life to follow your dreams, my next guest will teach you why the door to opportunity is still wide open. Today, I’m honored to speak with…
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December 8, 2020


Regret sucks! I don’t know a better way of putting it. But I guess it is part of the human experience; to look back and say, “shoulda, woulda, coulda”. George Kinder, considered the founder of Financial Life Planning, poses three questions in an effort to…
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December 6, 2020

People change or people change

Many years ago, I signed up for a coaching program aimed at creating self-mastery in business. It focused on the creation of systems and processes and the knowledge, attitude, skills and habits necessary to build self-mastery. The leader insisted that our job as entrepreneurs was…
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December 5, 2020

Resistance training

My trainer pointed to the green band and instructed me to slip it around my ankles and step laterally. I knew what was coming and that I’d feel the ache right up to my hips. I could have made an excuse why I couldn’t do…
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December 3, 2020

The stories we tell ourselves—part 2

I promise not to get all political—everyone is entitled to vote their conscience. The issue is about the stories we tell ourselves and how applicable they are to the current state of our country. There are many who align with a political party because that’s…
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December 1, 2020

There’s a time to be a salmon…

You know the story of the intrepid salmon that swim upstream in their final journey to spawn before their life ends. You’ve seen the films of their perilous challenges over obstacles and through rapids—their beaten, bruised and exhausted bodies finally reaching their destination. Sounds like…
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