Episode 145: Inner Freedom with Bryan Yates

August 2, 2023

Leaving work behind marks the beginning of a journey where we release control and surrender to life’s unfolding path. Today, we explore that profound moment when the yearning for a deeper purpose becomes undeniable.

Bryan Yates’ personal odyssey mirrors the struggles many face: alcoholism, workaholism, business failures, and an unhealthy attachment to achievement. After uncovering his true self-worth and acceptance, Bryan courageously reinvented himself, shifting his focus from a pursuit of success to personal growth. Today, he offers a transformative program that enhances mental performance and leadership skills.

Tune in to hear Bryan’s inspiring story and purpose, which will undoubtedly touch and inspire you. This episode promises to be a profound journey into the depths of purpose, authenticity, and strength found in embracing the course of life’s twists and turns.

  • How Bryan’s fitness business sparked discussions with executives on midlife challenges
  • Unveiling the motivations that drive us to look deeper into ourselves
  • The deeper sense of belonging that men seek through their achievements
  • Learning how to sit with discomfort and understand what it is telling you
  • Why we don’t actually have to learn how to overcome fear 
  • Why mentorship is more important than ever as we move through Chapter X 

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