Episode 142: Transparent Beliefs with Lion Goodman

July 12, 2023

Have you ever experienced that nagging feeling that something in your life is amiss, leaving you feeling unsettled or even miserable? Well, you’re not alone. According to Lion Goodman, it could be attributed to what he calls “transparent beliefs” that we unknowingly operate through.

As a professional coach, author, teacher, and psyche healer, Lion has honed his expertise in clearing beliefs that hold us back. Through his transformative Clear Beliefs Coach Training, he empowers coaches, therapists, and healers to break free from the limitations imposed by these transparent beliefs.

In this episode, Lion digs into the process of clearing old beliefs and ushering in new ones that are not only more productive but also workable, propelling us forward toward our goals rather than holding us back.

We discussed:

  • Lion’s harrowing story of being shot four times in the head by a hitchhiker
  • Why getting shot reignited his passion for understanding the human psyche
  • What really stops people from moving forward in life
  • The importance of learning from other men who have made similar transitions
  • How to unmask your hidden beliefs that unknowingly shape your life
  • Learning how to question your core beliefs that may be holding you back

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