Episode 137: The Creative Flow with Rich Kirkpatrick
June 7, 2023
In a world where conformity often reigns, creativity is the rebellion that fuels progress and transformation. Our guest today delves into the depths of imagination and creative thinking, unearthing the potential that lies within each of us.
Rich Kirkpatrick writes, consults, and speaks about the intersection of creativity, faith and leadership. In 2022 he authored MINDBLOWN: Unlock Your Creative Genius by Bridging Science and Magic. He is also a musician, songwriter and recording artist with the group A Beautiful Liturgy. Rich is based in the East San Francisco Bay Area, CA.
If you’ve ever wondered how to tap into your creative side, regardless of whether you consider yourself creative, you’re in for a treat. I hope Rich’s insight will leave you inspired and eager to explore the endless possibilities of your own imagination.
We discussed:
- How to become more creative (when you’re not naturally creative)
- The surprising reason why failing is more important than you think
- Why we must learn to practice embracing the awkward moments
- The difference between innovation vs. creativity
- Why your creativity dies without clear boundaries or structure
- Finding the capacity to become more than we were the day before