Episode 16 – Scott Danish

January 20, 2021
Are you still hungry to learn? Lifelong learners never settle for staying inside of their comfort zone. Instead, they’re constantly evolving to figure out what fulfillment means to them.
Today you’ll hear from a special guest who’s learning how to squeeze as much as possible out of life’s opportunities. Scott Danish is on a mission to explore what’s truly important to him. He’s discovered some amazing things about himself — and his connection to others — along the way.
In this episode, we dig into Scott’s courageous story as he walks on many different paths in search of meaning. He shares why living in student mode has brought him on an incredible journey, including a story that resonates with me so deeply that it put a chill down my spine.
We covered:
- Why a growth mindset about aging meant turning 55 wasn’t difficult for Scott
- How staying in your comfort zone can become a prison of complacency
- The simple idea of giving yourself permission and space to figure out what brings you joy
- What gratitude taught Scott about taking action and building a better life
- How the discovery of not having all of the answers transformed his outlook
- The real reason why we shouldn’t fear the concept of failure