Take a stroll through the meat department of your local grocery. You’ll likely find stacks of products with various ranges of prices, but the least expensive products are those either least in demand or the lowest quality.
Today’s industrial farms focus on delivering the lowest cost product in the shortest amount of time possible, which means that animals are fed with the purpose to fatten them up quickly. Not to mention, they’re filled with antibiotics and other chemicals. There is little care for anything other than the bottom line.
If you look carefully, you might find meat sourced from sustainable local farms. These animals are pasture-raised on grass, natural food, and without antibiotics or chemicals. You might wonder why the price is higher than the industrial label in the next row. But the price for each type of meat is different because the cost to raise the animal properly is different.
You have a choice: to put cheap, industrially produced food into your body or not; to spend a few more dollars on high quality or not. It all depends on what you value.
The same equation applies to many things in life. You can go cheap or you can go quality. You can value what you put into your body or not.
In the end, your Chapter X is another opportunity to choose where you put your financial, emotional and time resources. Your values drive your decisions…and when it comes to your life, you get to choose if you opt for the cheap steak.