

By August 28, 2022 No Comments

So much of our early lives are fueled by our egos. We push ourselves to be recognized, to achieve and succeed, to provide our ego with the message that we’re ok—or maybe better than just “ok.”

But do we really need to be driven by our ego in Chapter X?

When we’re young, we want to look good to be attractive to our potential mates.
(Clearly, ego is at play.)

Now, we want to be healthy to live a longer, more vibrant life.
(This doesn’t scream of ego, but a higher sense of what we need now.)

When we were young, we devoted ourselves to careers that would not only provide financial security but also a good strong dose of our mastery—and a message to the world that “we’re here!”
(Ego? Beyond the idea of providing for ourselves and families, I’d say so.)

In Chapter X, are we still striving to tell the world how important we are?
(Our egos are like hidden tripwires, waiting for that part of us to either try and prove our prowess—or if we can negotiate around it, live our lives in contentment and joy.)

By engaging our self-awareness muscle, we can examine from what part of our personality we engage the world. For me, I want to be healthy, contribute to the world, continue to learn, and be joyful and content… my ego need not come along for the ride.

How about you? Does your ego plague you with demands to show the world how amazing you are?