
History—from the inside out

By June 6, 2020 No Comments

We are a part of history. In the global sense, we share a period of time that could be highlighted by political warring, global warming, international strife, terrorism, mass shootings, the 24-hour news cycle and now COVID-19.

We are in most cases, bystanders, rubberneckers and voyeurs to the action unfolding around the planet. But COVID-19 has provided more than a front row seat. We are IN the action and the impact—the real impact—has yet to be realized.

Our experiences, what we’ve learned about ourselves, is important. They speak to our inner strength and are vital to understand and share. Far beyond our job/occupation/profession or hobbies, it is part of our history.

Our resilience (like that of prior generations who have dealt with life altering experiences) sets the stage for growth.

Becoming more sensitive and aware of suffering, both our own and others makes us better humans, when it projects us to act in kinder, more giving ways.

We can continue being spectators, or we can use our experiences to help others.

Being part of an important event is weighty and with it comes a responsibility that begins within and spreads outward. If not now, when?