
Letting Go

By May 23, 2021 No Comments

After a lifetime of competition and a steady attitude of independence and strength, we’re left with tools that are no longer useful (if they ever were). Still, we cling to the recipe for the secret sauce of our success in a death grip.

When Elon Musk opened Tesla’s intellectual property to the world, he exposed us to a different concept. That of, “Together, we can make it better,” instead of, “My success is mine and go screw yourself.”

We’re taught that it’s our secrets that make us successful—and any hint of weakness will be pounced upon by those wishing to exploit our knowledge or experience.

In Chapter X, self-protection and lack of trust is a death-knell to living a life of meaning and purpose. What happens if you open yourself up to others in a raw display of vulnerability? Chances are, most will offer you a hand or a shoulder.

Maybe it’s time to discard useless beliefs and behaviors, replacing them with more meaningful, real and human traits:

Listening to others without judgment.
Defaulting to help others.
Offering help without expectation.
Being willing to have experiences that aren’t spectacular every time.

We can be more than we are today if we’re willing to be real, vulnerable and trusting of others. It might require the use of different “muscles” but the results are likely to be life-changing. Together, we’re more likely to build a better world when it’s not about ego, but purpose.