Music is and always has been a big part of my life. I grew up listening to string quartets in the living room (literally) and big band jazz on the record player. I’m talking big-ass 78’s. In the fourth grade, I started learning how to play an instrument and it became the overriding passion of my life until college.
Today, my musical taste runs from classical to jazz to alternative rock and classic rock….in fact, I’ll give everything a listen…
I propose a Chapter X playlist which I will create and distribute on Spotify. Send me your top 6 songs.
Here are mine:
Learn to Fly: Foo Fighters
Dancing in the Street: Martha Reeves and the Vandellas
Harvest Moon: Neil Young
Macarthur Park: Maynard Ferguson
Stardust: Bill Watrous
Meditation from “Thais”: Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg