
My truth…

By April 12, 2020 No Comments

I want to share some truth.

Since this “situation” has hit us, my sleep, for the most part, is terrible.

I have stress dreams and I get up in the morning feeling exhausted.

I know this is temporary.

I know this will come to an end.

I know life will regain a feeling of normalcy.

But right now, I waft between feelings of strength and helplessness. I shift between periods of calm and focus and others of misery.

I believe that some of the instability comes from not know what the world will be like after….

I hope that we are more appreciative and grateful for the gifts of life, love, family and friends.

I hope we are more mindful of protecting the earth from destruction.

I hope that we are more respectful of our health and how we take care of our bodies.

I am fearful that when this is over, no one will remember…and that keeps me up at night.