
New Eyes

By February 27, 2021 No Comments

Have you ever been so deep into a problem or project that the longer you spend in it, the more confused you become?

I hate to admit it, but that happens to me with regularity. The rabbit hole is just so inviting (haha) that I dive right in, or seemingly so. Maybe I overcomplicate things as I ask myself….and….and….and. It ends in a lack of clarity and far more confusion.

When I hit that proverbial wall, I know it’s time to stop. Do you know that old saying:

Question: “Why do you hit your head against the wall?”

Answer: “Because it feels so good when you stop!”

After a day away from the problem, I can typically see the problem with new eyes and a fresh perspective.

Chapter X is like that too. Sometimes you have to approach the situation with new eyes and an open mind.

Let me know what you think.