
People change or people change

By December 6, 2020 No Comments

Many years ago, I signed up for a coaching program aimed at creating self-mastery in business. It focused on the creation of systems and processes and the knowledge, attitude, skills and habits necessary to build self-mastery.

The leader insisted that our job as entrepreneurs was to create processes and systems that our teams must employ in order to get the job done properly. It was our responsibility to hold them accountable.

When asked by an attendee what happens if they fail to follow the prescribed system, his automatic response was “People change or people change”, implying that those unwilling to comply must be replaced with people who will.

In Chapter X, we are confronted with lots of changes—not only to the structure of our day, but our health, our acuity, our purpose, our spending, our social circle and maybe where and how we live.

Change, as they say, is the only constant. You can either go kicking and screaming, resisting or refusing to accept limitations or you can modify your behaviors to accommodate that which is reality.

How you deal with change begins with your mindset. You might not like it, but if it’s reality, what choice do you truly have?

For some, the grace of peaceful acceptance might be the culmination of a spiritual practice. For others, frustration and dissatisfaction rule their being. I know people who fall into each category and honestly, I love spending time with the former; the latter, not so much.

The choice is yours. I know which one I choose, even with the occasional fits and bouts of resistance.