Creating a satisfying life in Chapter X is all the foundation. Some foundations are built over a lifetime, while others are newly created. I think of these foundational pillars of life as:
- Security
- Health
- Engagement
- Purpose
Security, for example, focuses on financial stability. Regardless of your financial wealth, knowing there is “enough” is meaningful and allows you to live with ease. If you’re unsure of where you are in your financial life, now is a damned good time to find a fee-only planner who can objectively help you get a handle on it.
Health, especially in this stage of life, takes on a new meaning. Some arrive in Chapter X with great health habits (eating good food, exercising, mental and emotional well-being), while others need to revamp how they view this issue. If you don’t come from a culture of the ideal habits to stay as healthy as possible, consider what needs to happen to start moving you in the right direction.
Engagement, to me, covers a pretty wide area. It can mean family, friends, social, religious, and community groups where you can discover your “tribe” and feel the comfort of belonging. For the extrovert, it’s a cakewalk to make friends and find those with common interests. For us introverts, it can be a bit more daunting. But building, maintaining and supporting relationships is a vitally important part of satisfaction. For those who feel uncomfortable in “joining,” I challenge that your discomfort is not fatal, and as the old Alka Seltzer commercial said, “try it, you’ll like it.”
Purpose is one of those ideas that can be fuzzy. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you must have a GRAND project or life-changing mission—although, if you do, cool! Your purpose can be modest or huge, but it must be something more than survival.
Your purpose doesn’t need to consume you or have you engaged with it 24/7, but we all need a WHY. If you haven’t started pondering your purpose, maybe now is a good time to start thinking about it. These pillars of strength become the bedrock for living your best life, so they’re worthy of your time and attention.
Let me know your thoughts and how you’re navigating these ideas.