
Problem Solving

By June 17, 2020 No Comments

Have you ever watched someone fixing or working on something and you had a sudden urge to offer your opinion?

Have you ever had a conversation with a spouse or significant other who was explaining a problem or situation and you offered your unsolicited advice? How did that work out for ya?

Men are notorious problem solvers. It’s pretty clear that if presented with a question, our brains are whirring with ways to create a solution. If there is no problem to be solved, the discussion is over (or at least our interest level drops off). Ever notice that in yourself or people you know?

During this crisis, it’s not hard to see why depression levels are soaring along with unemployment rates. There are no good or practical solutions to where we are right now globally. What’s a man to do with no problems to resolve for others?

Maybe this is a good time to redefine your role. Instead of being a problem-solver, maybe just try and be a problem observer. Finding peace with a new role is mighty work, it’s good work and it’s also a step towards growth.

We can’t solve most problems. But we can listen.

We can empathize.

We can ask if our take is wanted.

We can explore some new capabilities.

Hmmm…that’s a pretty good problem to solve.