
Pump the Brakes

By May 6, 2023 No Comments

Time in Chapter X is a precious thing. After all, we have no idea when we will run out of runway or when our situation changes, which alters our ability to do the things that light us up. It’s equally important to have activities in life that bring joy, satisfaction, and meaning—and to know when to ease up a bit and relax. 

Think about your years in your career when you were driving towards successful outcomes and how essential it was to take a step back and assess your progress. You needed to know if you needed to make adjustments or changes in tactics or strategies so you could keep moving forward in your macro-goal of “success.”

The same holds true now. Regardless of your level of involvement in organizations, part-time work, artistic endeavors or other activities that keep you engaged, you still need to check in and ask yourself some important questions. For example:

  • “Is what I am doing making me happy/joyful?”
  • “Do my involvements produce feelings of satisfaction or meaning?”
  • “Am I feeling stressed or overbooked?”

Life in Chapter X doesn’t require you to replace a 9-5 existence where every part of your day is programmed and busy. Using the time to be introspective and contemplative is truly an act of self-love; whereas programming yourself at a breakneck pace (because that’s what you were used to doing) is the opposite—an act of self-loathing or at least derision.

Keep checking in with yourself and asking important questions. Take a walk in nature, savor a good cup of coffee (or other beverage or treat you enjoy) without forcing yourself to “stay busy.”

Love yourself enough to value your time, energy, and journey without the frenzied pre-programmed state that carried you through your work life. Chapter X is not the same as your previous iteration; it’s a chance to be smarter, kinder, wiser, and more generative.

If you find yourself feeling like your pace is too intense or over-booked, pump the brakes and consider what’s best for you right now.