Following our ten days of grandbaby care in Chicago, we returned home with thoughts of heading to our get away in the woods of West Massachusetts.
Instead, I got hit with a virus of unknown origin or type. All I know is that it left me depleted and tired, even to a point where five days after the worst of fever and chills were gone, I’m still woefully tired.
In these last few weeks, I haven’t lifted a weight, rode my HIIT Bike or even taken a walk beyond moving around the house or a leisurely stroll down the driveway. Nor have I practiced trumpet or had a lesson (I’ve missed a rehearsal or two with the ensemble).
Square one… that’s where I am right now. I’m not happy about it, but I’m trying to be ‘at peace’ with it.
The phrase that so lightly falls out of my mouth—“it is what it is—tastes like bitter ash in my mouth. That being said, it IS what it is. I won’t magically reclaim my stamina at exercise or music instantly. It will take a brick-by-brick approach.
By all accounts, I’m not completely done with this nonsense. But I must, for the sake of sanity, begin to rebuild. It’s a perfect example of acceptance, patience and the ability to maintain a positive attitude and willingness to ‘be’ with whatever ‘is’ right now.
Maybe a few kettlebell swings or some scales to start…