
The Allure of Words

By August 21, 2021 No Comments

The news is filled with words that are meant to evoke a reaction. Each story is curated to excite or provoke a reaction, prompting you to keep that station tuned right where it is. It isn’t necessarily accurate, nor is it necessarily important, but the words, images and sounds are intentional.

Our lives are filled with the temptation to see things through the lens of the “storyteller.” For example, there’s a prominent investment brokerage firm that touts its mobile app as the slick runway to investment profits and the simplicity of building wealth through its portal. It’s beyond absurd. It’s completely misleading and, well, it’s crap.

It reminds me of a lovely street in my town. It’s called Lakeview Drive. The only problem? There is no lake to view. There is a tiny pond that, while very nice, could never be mistaken for a lake.

Beware the allure of words.

Beware of cognitive bias.

Beware of falling into the pit of belief without facts.