
The Road to Getting Unstuck Starts Here

By November 2, 2024 No Comments

We are creatures of habit. Some habits, like hygiene, exercise, and healthy eating, are supportive and positive. But other habits, long ingrained in our psyches, might not be. I’m thinking of how we perceive ourselves, our limitations, and our identity in the world.

If you see yourself as your title, your occupation, or your professional persona, then you have essentially cut yourself off from reclaiming the wholeness that was and is your birthright

Decades of “doing” your job and “being” your title can limit the exploration of your full potential.

I invite you to give a nod of respect for what you were and what you accomplished and focus on that part of you that has yet to be explored, excavated, and examined.

I invite you to acknowledge and respect what you were and what you accomplished—and also focus on that part of you that has yet to be explored, excavated, and examined.

Who were you before you became what you were?

What possibilities exist beyond the realm of resistance and fear?