
What Comes Next

By March 27, 2021 No Comments

The CDC recently came out with guidance that people who are fully vaccinated can be together indoors safely. This is OUTSTANDING news. I am chomping at the proverbial bit to reconnect with friends and family.

After a year of virtual meetings, virtual cocktails, texts, calls, and emails, I am ready for some face-to-face encounters. But it got me thinking…after a year of worry, disinfecting, social distancing, what will it feel like?

Will dinner chatter return to the latest Netflix series? Or will be able to talk about what we experienced—and how it changed us?

Will we be able to express our gratitude for coming through it and share the pain and grieving of losses?

Will we be able to help shoulder each others’ pain and anguish?

I fully expect that the safe conversations will still exist; talks about the kids, grandkids, and vacations planned. But I hope that deeper, more meaningful conversations will also take place. As we move ever closer to the end of this pandemic, ask yourself important questions:

What did I learn?

What did I lose?

What am I grateful for?