

By May 31, 2020 No Comments

I try to write every day to share ideas and thoughts—and hope that it gives something of value.

There are days when my ideas tumble out of my head unhindered and other days, like today, where I struggle.

I ask myself whether what I write is a waste of time or even if I have the authority to send it out into the Chapter X family.

There is a certain barrier that must be crossed, at least in my mind; call it self-doubt or insecurity. Is what I share valuable, meaningful, helpful or anything but a trivial pursuit?  Know that I’m not looking for a pat on the head, sympathy or even validation.

I share this because I believe we all have times of doubt. We all struggle at times and lack clarity and focus or even purpose.

Tomorrow the sun will rise and I will have a new opportunity to share ideas, to offer thoughts and hopefully, something that will help motivate or support you.

We ARE all in this together.

I would love to hear about your experiences.

