
I’m mad as hell…

By September 17, 2020 No Comments

It was over 50 years ago and I was still in high school. The date was May 4, 1970. The place was Kent State. Four students were killed and nine were injured when the Ohio National Guard reacted to Vietnam War protests and opened fire.

It was senseless, needless and brutal. I remember walking out of class in protest. I was mad as hell at the sheer insanity of gunning down students on a college campus.

Learning is supposed to come from experience. Yet…

Our society has not quenched its thirst for brutality and murder.

We must stand up against institutional racism and we cannot rely on just the youth to cry out.

We—those who have lived through those turbulent times—must stand up against hatred and violence in every form.

I implore you, speak out, donate to just causes and help shepherd our children and grandchildren into a better world.

