

By March 16, 2024 No Comments

It never ceases to amaze, stun, and petrify me how quickly time is flying by. It was just Thanksgiving and now it’s March….WHOOOOOOSH! I remember, as a child how summer vacations seemed to go on forever. Days seemed to pass slowly, sometimes too slowly. But now….WHOOOOOOSH!

This understanding screams for us to acknowledge the ticking of the clock so that we may embrace the moments and appreciate the time we have. Frankly, it doesn’t matter how you use time, as long as it is purposeful. Before you get pissed at me, if it’s purposeful for you to spend the day with a book, a walk, or binging shows on the screen, then we have no argument.

But if you allow life to sweep you from day to day, month to month, year to year unconsciously…perhaps it is time to look back at the velocity of time flying by and consider how you might make the time (you’re given) more intentional.