
You have ONE job

By February 20, 2020 No Comments

At the heart of all things is the word connect.

During each phase of life, you learn to connect: with people, with knowledge, with job opportunities. All in an effort to make more money, support yourself and family and to achieve more. There’s nothing wrong with that—in fact, it’s vital.

But in Chapter X, the landscape changes.

In Chapter X, the word ‘connect’ becomes even more critical.

Connect:  To your purpose

                  To your family

                  To your friends and community

                  To opportunities to make new friends

                  To change

                  To your willingness and ability to meet new challenges

                  To inner peace

                  To acceptance of things you cannot control

You have ONE job—to figure out how to connect more and live more fully. It is a full-throated change from everything your life has been until the moment you hit this transition.

The why is obvious. The who, how, when and what is for you to courageously discover.