
The buffet

By September 17, 2020 No Comments

I grew up with a great appreciation for food. My mother and paternal grandmother were both amazing cooks (I’ll leave comment on my maternal grandmother for another post).

I was a kid who found solace in food (especially the ones which were forbidden or restricted). I was constantly badgered about what I put in my mouth, but to no avail. I became a devious sneak eater. The result was, I was a chunky—or kindly put—stocky kid who worshipped food.

On my 12th birthday, we went to a restaurant that offered a buffet. My eyes boggled at seeing the endlessly long table with piles of food with everything from appetizers to desserts. There were carving stations, pasta stations, tureens, platters of all sizes shapes and colors. I was told that since it was my birthday, I could indulge to my heart’s content. I was determined to make the restaurant sorry for even allowing me in the door.

I attacked the buffet with gusto, beginning with the appetizers, forgoing anything resembling salad and the entrees. I was halfway through my second plate when I realized that I had met my match. I woefully eyed the buffet and tearfully peered at the unmolested dessert section. I wanted to explode and I felt miserable.

Today, I think about that experience and the idea of “more vs. enough”. I can see how some in our society have mistaken the two only to drive furiously towards more when they clearly have enough. That greed and fear drives humans beyond rational judgment.

We need to teach our children that very crucial difference (and that our success is not dependent on someone else failing).

p.s. I can say with complete honesty that since that experience, any time I have been confronted with a buffet, the house definitely comes out on top.