August 30, 2020

A thought about mental health

Nothing illuminates the dire state of our mental health issues like the “anti-maskers”. They are evidently suffering from some disorder or disruption in their thought processes. They seem to share a certain level of anger, resentment and attitude that is beyond rational explanation. They also…
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June 25, 2020

Disruption leads to discovery…IF

Disruption leads to discovery IF you’re open-minded. Disruption leads to discovery IF you’re willing to observe and learn. Disruption leads to discovery IF you’re able to take in new information and cast off old thinking. Discovery leads to new ideas. Discovery leads to a growth…
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June 22, 2020


Whiplash: injury caused by a severe jerk to the head. It’s fair to say we are experiencing collective whiplash. Life has changed and perhaps in ways that we cannot even imagine yet. It’s also fair to say that most humans love routine and hate change.…
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June 21, 2020

Looking for Volunteers

One of the biggest challenges of writing is that you sometimes wind up in an echo chamber of your own thoughts. That being said, I am looking for SIX volunteers to meet at a mutually agreed upon date and time via Zoom for a conversation.…
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June 20, 2020


You cannot turn on the news today without being reminded of acts of racial injustice. Hopefully, this awareness can help us become more mindful of our thoughts, words and actions and how we can improve and grow. In Chapter X, our inner awareness of our…
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June 17, 2020

Problem Solving

Have you ever watched someone fixing or working on something and you had a sudden urge to offer your opinion? Have you ever had a conversation with a spouse or significant other who was explaining a problem or situation and you offered your unsolicited advice?…
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June 13, 2020

Inner voice

We all have an inner voice: it has followed us from our earliest thoughts. It tells us that eating a sleeve of Oreo’s is ok. It screams at us when we screw up. It reminds us, unceasingly of all the “should’s”. It tells us we…
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June 11, 2020


Intentions are great. I intended to have the attic cleaned out weeks ago. In truth, I did dump the last remaining Wrestling Buddies that my son used to play with 20+ years ago. I also brought my ‘legacy’ from my parents of 78 rpm records…
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